The Good DEEDs – Digital Energy Efficiency Designers – is a KA2 VET Erasmusplus Project coordinated by EGInA Srl (European Grants International Academy). The project started in 2021 and will last until June 2023.
It is addressed to 3 main topics:
- ICT – new technologies;
- Digital competences Environment and climate change;
- Social/environmental responsibility of educational institutions.
The general objective of the project is to develop and test a methodology and a learning platform for VET teachers and students, aimed at fostering a continuous and sustainable growth strategy of sectoral competences on digital energy efficiency. The specific objectives are:
- Creating a Knowledge Management System to support continuous training on digital energy efficiency from school age;
- Creating a Training Toolkit for VET teachers for continuous training on digital energy efficiency from school age;
- Creating the “Online Good DEEDs” platform for circular training on digital energy efficiency.
The European Good DEEDS Challenge is created to generate three long-term positive effects that will be explained in the next paragraphs.
The inspiration for the project comes from “The European Green Deal” [COM (2019) 640], where a new growth strategy is proposed to transform “the Union into a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy”. Energy efficiency and the digital sector play a central role in this strategy.