Rīgas Stila un modes tehnikums
Riga Style and Fashion Technical College is a vocational education competence centre with more than 55 years of experience in training young professionals.
Our mission:
A professional education platform where our knowledge and experience meet creativity and curiosity to build a secure future.
Our values:
- Recognition – a sign of quality and the image of the technical college
- Creativity – in our educational process and in our essence
- Growth – attraction to European standards and the pursuit of challenging ideas and goals
- Environmental and human security – in our attitudes and way of thinking, in the environment of the technical college, in the microclimate and in the consumption, choice and circulation of resources
- Experience and continuity – in the knowledge of our teachers, in the exchange of experience between craftsmen and in the provision of new professional traineeships
- People as sources of ideas, carriers of value and recipients of knowledge.
latest news

Approved the National Strategy on Education for the Environment and Climate Change 2023 – 2030 in Romania
The Government of Romania has approved the National Strategy on Education for the Environment and Climate Change 2023 – 2030. It is a moment of

The contribution of digital technologies in reducing energy-related costs and emisions
With businesses around the world facing unprecedented pressures from energy costs and climate change, a new report from the Energy Efficiency Movement shows that improving

Latvian teachers acquiring skills to train youth for a greener future
10 teachers from education institutions of Latvia are currently taking part in “Good DEEDs” online training and are busy drafting the plan for the piloting